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(pp 8–12). 25 We also constructed age-standardised values
of all estimates, using the same age weights as those used
in the GBD standard population.
We made one adjustment to road injury PAFs to estimate
how much burden occurred to others because of alcohol
use by another individual. We based this adjustment on
data from the US Fatality Analysis Reporting System
(FARS), which includes the average number of deaths in
automobile accidents involving alcohol and the percentage
of those deaths distributed by age and sex. We multiplied
age-specific and sex-specific alcohol-attributable and road-
injury-attributable DALYs by the average number of
fatalities, given the driver’s age and sex. We then re-
distributed these attributable DALYs according to the
FARS-derived probabilities that a population by age and
sex would be involved in a road injury, given the exposed
driver’s age and sex. Because of data availability, we
assumed that locations outside the USA would follow a
similar pattern to what we estimated with FARS. After
redistributing the attributable DALYs, we derived PAFs
again by dividing the redistributed attributable DALYs by
total DALYs within specific demographics.
Uncertainty analysis
For all steps, we calculated uncertainty for estimation of
exposure, attributable deaths, and DALYs by taking 1000
draws from the data’s uncertainty due to sampling error
and modelling uncertainty arising from hyper-parameter
selection and parameter estimation. We then used these
draws throughout the entire modelling process. When
reporting uncertainty intervals, we present the 2•5th and
97•5th percentiles of the draws.
Role of the funding source
The funders of the study had no role in study design,
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or
writing of the report. The corresponding author had full
access to all the data in the study and had final
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
Global, regional, and national trends in alcohol
In 2016, 32•5% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 30•0–35•2)
of people globally were current drinkers. 25% (95% UI
23–27) of females were current drinkers, as were
39% (36–43) of males (appendix 2). These percentages
corresponded to 2•4 billion (95% UI 2•2–2•6) people
globally who were current drinkers, with 1•5 billion
(1•4–1•6) male current drinkers and 0•9 billion (0•8–1•0)
female current drinkers (appendix 2, pp 2–1994). Globally,
the mean amount of alcohol consumed was 0•73 (95% UI
0•68–0•78) standard drinks daily for females and
1•7 (1•5–1•9) standard drinks daily for males.
The prevalence of current drinking varied considerably
by location (figure 1). Prevalence was highest for high
SDI locations, where 72% (95% UI 69–75) of females and
我们还构建了年龄标准化的价值观所有估计数,使用相同的年龄在GBD标准人口中。我们对车祸害PAF进行了一次调整估算,因酒精而给别人带来了多少负担。我们基于此调整来自美国致命分析报告系统的数据(FARS),其中包括平均死亡人数涉及酒精的汽车事故和百分比按年龄和性别分配的死亡人数我们成倍增加,特定年龄和性别特定的酒精归因和道路 - 伤害归因DALYs的平均数死亡人数,同时考虑到司机的年龄和性别。然后我们重新分配这些可归因的DALYs,FARS导出的概率,即按年龄和年龄划分的人口数量。由于数据可用性,我们假设美国境外的地点会跟随与我们用FARS估计的模式类似。后重新分配归因DALY,我们得出了PAF再次将重新分配的归属DALY除以特定人口统计数据中的总DALYs。
2016年,32•5%(95%不确定区间[UI] 30•0-35•2)全球人都是当前的饮酒者。 25%(95%UI
23-27)女性当前是饮酒者39%(36-43)的男性(附录2)。这些百分比相当于2•40亿(95%UI 2•2-2•6)的人全球目前的饮酒者,拥有15亿美元(1•4-1•6)男性当前饮酒者和0.90亿(0•8-1•0)女性当前饮酒者(附录2,第2-1994页)。全球范围内,平均消耗的酒精量为0.73(95%UI0•68-0•78)女性和女性每日标准饮料男性每日1•7(1•5-1•9)标准饮品。目前饮酒的流行程度差异很大按位置(图1)。患病率最高SDI位置,72%(95%UI 69-75)的女性和
83%(80-85)的男性是当前的饮酒者(地点附录2中提供了每个SDI五分位数,第8-12页)。饮酒流行率在低至低水平时最低中间SDI位置,其中8•9%(95%UI 6•6-9•7)女性和20%(17-22)的男性是当前的饮酒者。在SDI五分位数中,女性消耗的酒精较少与男性相比,这种差距的大小随之减小更高的SDI水平。例如,我们发现尼泊尔的女性和男性之间存在差异,目前只有1•5%(95%UI 1•2-1•9)的女性饮酒。2016年的饮酒者与男性21%(17-25)。相反,许多高SDI位置都相就小。例如,我们发现瑞典的差异很小,其中86%(UI为95%)(84-88)女性和87%(85-89)的男性当前的饮酒者消费的人口平均值差异好小。2016年当前饮酒者每天也有很大差异按地点和性别划分(图2)。高SDI位置有每日消费的标准平均值最高每天消耗1•9(95%UI 1•3-2•7)在女性中,男性中有2•9(2•0-4•1)。低SDI位置的男性平均值最低每日消耗1•4(0•6-2•4)标准饮料中低端SDI位置的平均值最低对于女性每天消耗标准为0•3(0•1-0•6)
2016年,有2,800万人死亡(95%UI 2•4-3•3)归因于酒精的使用。这相当于2•2%(95%UI 1•5-3•0)总年龄标准化死亡人数女性和男性中的6•8%(5•8-8•0)。整体疾病,酒精使用导致1•6%(95%UI女性中2016年全球DALY总数的1•4-2•0)男性中有6•0%(5•4-6•7)。在全球范围内,酒精使用被评为第七大风险因素,2016年过早死亡和残疾GBD研究中的其他风险因素。人口年龄在15-49岁之间,酒精使用率居首位风险可归因为疾病全球风险因素,引起8.9%(95%UI 7•8-9•9)的归因DALYs男性和女性的2•3%(2•0-2•6)。人口年龄在15-49岁之间,3•8%(95%UI 3•2-4•3)的人口女性死亡和12•2%(10•8-13•6)的男性死亡可归因于酒精使用。酒精使用的总负担和与酒精使用相关的原因比例各不相同。按性别,年龄和SDI五分之一(图3;附录2,第1997-2186页)。从绝对意义上讲,酒精可归因女性的年龄小于男性(图3)。对于女性来说,酒精可归因于负担随着年龄的增长而增加,而男性则增加了负担直到55-65岁之间,之后归属减少。女性,尤其是高SDI地点,有一些保护作用,缺血性心脏病和60岁以上的糖尿病年龄段最明显。对于男性,只有高SDI和低SDI位置对缺血性心脏病有明显的保护作用,但效果与总量相比较小。对于男性和女性,健康结果在整个生命中改变可归因的负担 - 跨度(图3)。归因的三大主要原因该年龄组的死亡人数为肺结核(1•4%[95%UI]1•0-1•7]总死亡人数),道路伤害(1•2%[0•7-1•9]),和自残(1•1%[0•6-1•5])。对于年龄较大的女性15-49岁,酒精使用障碍构成最大SDI中可归因负担的比例五分之一;主要的例外是块茎结核病占应占比例最大。在这个年龄段,运输伤害和酒精使用障碍是主要的中高级男性可归因的原因SDI五分位数;适用于中低SDI和低SDI五分位数是结核病的主要原因。、超过50岁,总归因的原因SDI五分之一的负担变得更加复杂。对于50岁及以上的人群,癌症占占酒精总死亡人数的很大一部分
2016年,构成27•1%(95%UI 21•2-33•3)的总酒精引起的女性死亡人数和18•9%(15•3-22•6)酒精引起的男性死亡。在高SDI国家,癌症是其主要来源两性的归因负担。在低SDI国家,结核病是造成负担的主要原因。对于男女两性,其次是肝硬化和其他慢性病肝病。


minimum relative risk of 0•86 (0•80–0•96) for men and
0•82 (0•72–0•95) for women, occurring at 0•83 standard
drinks daily for men and 0•92 standard drinks daily for
women. We found no significant difference in relative
risk curves for ischaemic heart disease or diabetes
when estimating the curves by age. For all other out-
comes, including all cancers, we found that relative risk
monotonically increased with alcohol consumption
(appendix 2, pp 57–146).
In estimating the weighted relative risk curve, we
found that consuming zero (95% UI 0•0–0•8) standard
drinks daily minimised the overall risk of all health
loss (figure 5). The risk rose monotonically with
increasing amounts of daily drinking. This weighted
relative risk curve took into account the protective effects
of alcohol use associated with ischaemic heart disease
and diabetes in females. However, these protective
effects were offset by the risks associated with cancers,
which in creased monotonically with consumption. In a
sensitivity analysis, where we explored how the weighted
relative risk curve changed on the basis of the choice of
weights for various health outcomes, the curve changed
signifi cantly only in settings where diabetes and
ischaemic heart disease comprised more than 60% of
total deaths in a population.
In 2016, alcohol use led to 2•8 million deaths and was the
leading risk factor for premature death and disability
among people aged 15–49 years, with nearly 9% of all
attributable DALYs for men and more than 2% for
women. Our findings indicate that alcohol use was
associated with far more health loss for males than for
females, with the attributable burden for men around
three times higher than that for women in 2016. By
evaluating all associated relative risks for alcohol use, we
found that consuming zero standard drinks daily
minimises the overall risk to health.
Previous research has analysed all-cause risk due to
alcohol use by either investigating all-cause risk in
particular cohorts and survey series, or through meta-
analyses of those studies. 26,27 Past findings subsequently
suggested a persistent protective effect for some low or
moderate levels of alcohol consumption on all-cause
mortality. However, these studies were limited by
small sample sizes, inadequate control for confounders,
and non-optimal choices of a reference category for
calculating relative risks. More recent research, which
has used methodologies such as mendelian randomis-
ation, pooling cohort studies, and multivariable adjusted
meta-analyses, increasingly shows either a non-signifi-
cant or no protective effect of drinking on all-cause
mortality or cardiovascular outcomes. 7,14,28 Our results on
the weighted attributable risk are consistent with this
body of work. Taken together, these findings emphasise
that alcohol use, regardless of amount, leads to health
loss across populations. Although we found some
protective effects for ischaemic heart disease and
diabetes among women, these effects were offset when
overall health risks were considered—especially because
of the strong association between alcohol consump-
tion and the risk of cancer, injuries, and communic-
able disease. These findings stress the importance of
assessing how alcohol use affects population health
across the lifespan.
Evaluating attributable burden across SDI quintiles
revealed the magnitude by which outcomes of alcohol
use differ and how total attributable burden relates to
increasing SDI. Our results indicate that alcohol use and
its harmful effects on health could become an increasing
challenge amid gains in SDI. Given that most low and
low-to-middle SDI settings currently have lower average
alcohol consumption than high-to-middle SDI settings,
it is crucial for decision makers and government agencies
to enact or maintain strong alcohol control policies today
to prevent the potential for rising alcohol use in the
future. Effective policies now could yield substantial
population health benefits for years to come.
男性和女性的最低相对风险为0•86(0•80-0•96)女性0•82(0•72-0•95),。男士每日饮酒发生率为0.83,女性每日饮用0•92。我们发现相对没有显着差异缺血性心脏病或糖尿病的风险曲线按年龄估算曲线时对于 - ,包括所有癌症,我们发现相对风险单调增加饮酒量(附录2,第57-146页)。在估计加权相对风险曲线时,我们发现消耗零(95%UI 0•0-0•8)标准每饮量可最大限度地降低所有健康的总体风损失(图5)。风险单调上涨,日常饮酒量增加。这加权了相对风险曲线考虑了保护作用与缺血性心脏病相关的酒精使用和女性的糖尿病。但是,这些保护性癌症相关风险抵消了这些影响,
以前的研究已经分析了由此产生的全因风险通过调查全因风险来使用酒精特别的同期群和调查系列,或通过meta-这些研究的分析。 26,27的调查结果显示一些低或者持久的保护作用全因饮酒量适中死亡。然而,这些研究受到限制样本量小,对混杂因素控制不足,参考类别的非最佳选择,并计算了相对风险。最近的研究,其中使用了诸如孟德尔随机的方法 - 组合,队列研究和多变量调整荟萃分析,越来越多地显示出非显着性饮酒对全因无影响或对心血管无保护作用。7,14,28的结果加权归属风险与此一致。总之,这些发现强调了这一点酒精的使用,无论数量多少,都会导致健康受损,人口减少。虽然我们发现了一些缺血性心脏病的保护作用,女性糖尿病,使这些保护这些影响被抵消了。考虑了整体健康风险 - 特别是因为酒精与癌症之间的强关联和。这些发现强调了重要性评估酒精使用如何影响人口健康,人类整个生命周期。评估SDI五分位数的可归因负担揭示了酒精结果的大小使用不同以及可归因负担总额如何相关增加SDI。我们的结果表明,酒精的使用和它对健康的有害影响可能会增加在SDI的收益中挑战。鉴于最低和中低SDI设置目前的平均值较低酒精消耗量高于中高SDI设置,这对政府机构至关重要,今天制定或维持强有力的酒精控制政策。



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