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发表于 2018-9-11 10:02:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lixundejiuba 于 2018-9-11 11:02 编辑



Several studies have attempted to address these factors
to provide global estimates of alcohol consumption and its
associated health effects. The most comprehensive among
these studies have been WHO’s Global Status Report on
Alcohol and Health, as well as previous iterations of the
Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors
Study (GBD). 11–13 The present study aims to build upon pre-
existing work and to address several limitations found in
earlier research.
First, the available studies have assessed the risk of
alcohol use by relying on external meta-analyses, which do
not control for confounding in the selection of the
reference category within constituent studies. This
approach is problematic because of the so-called sick
quitter hypothesis, which emphasises the importance of
reference category selection in correctly assessing risk
among drinkers, along with other confounding study
characteristics such as survival bias. 8,14–17 Untilrecently,
most meta-analyses of alcohol consumption have not
controlled for the composition of the reference category.
Subsequently, assessments of harm relying on these
studies have been biased. We sought to resolve this issue
within our meta-analyses by including controls for
different reference categories and the average age of
Second, previous studies have used sales data to estimate
population-level alcohol stock. Researchers have noted the
benefit of using sales data instead of survey data for
quantifying alcohol stock available within a location. 18,19
However, sales data still have bias because of consumption
by tourists and unrecorded consumption from illicit sales,
这些研究是世界卫生组织的酒精和健康全球状况报告,以及之前的迭代全球疾病负担,伤害和风险因素研究(GBD)。 11-13页本研究旨在建立预先现有的工作并解决了发现的一些局限性
正确评估风险的参考类别,选择在饮酒者中类加别,以及其他混淆特征。 8,14-17页直到最近,

home brewing, and local beverages. Without correction for
these factors, estimates relying on sales data can be biased
and lead to inaccurate cross-national comparisons. In the
current study, we adjusted the estimates of population-
level alcohol stock to account for the effects of tourism and
unrecorded consumption.
Third, previous studies have assumed zero as the
counterfactual exposure level that minimises harm. Within
a comparative risk assessment approach, a counterfactual
level of consumption that minimises harm is required
to estimate population attributable fractions (PAFs). 1
However, this counterfactual level needs to be estimated,
rather than assumed, given the complexities involved in
estimating the risk of alcohol use across outcomes. Relying
on this assumption can fail to capture any potential non-
linear effects between alcohol use and health. Our study
proposes a new method for the use of available evidence to
establish a counterfactual level of exposure across varied
relative risks, which provides tangible evidence for low-risk
drinking recommendations.
In the present study, we aimed to address these limita-
tions and provide the best available estimates of alcohol
use and the associated health burden. We estimated the
Research in context
Evidence before this study
Although researchers recognise alcohol use as a leading riskfactor
for premature death and disability, some evidence suggeststhat
low intake might have a protective effect on specificconditions
such as ischaemic heart disease and diabetes. Monitoring of
consumption behaviour is required to analyse the healtheffects of
alcohol use. Historically, researchers have relied onself-reported
survey data to estimate consumption levels and trends.However,
these data have systematic biases that make cross-country
comparisons unreliable. The Global Status Report on Alcoholand
Health, as well as previous iterations of the Global Burdenof
Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study, have sought toproduce
harmonised, cross-country comparisons of alcohol consumption
and its harms, by leveraging data on alcohol sales, theprevalence
of current drinking and abstention, and self-reports of
consumption amounts.
Added value of this study
In this analysis we improved available estimates of alcoholuse and
its associated health burden in five ways. First, weconsolidated
694 individual and population-level data sources to estimate
alcohol consumption levels among current drinkers. Second,
we developed a method to adjust population-level consumption
for alcohol consumed by tourists. Third, we improvedpre-existing
methods that account for unrecorded population-level
consumption. Fourth, we did a new systematic review and
meta-analysis of alcohol use and 23 associated healthoutcomes,
which we used to estimate new dose–response curves ofrelative
risk. Fifth, using the new relative risk curves and a newanalytical
method, we estimated the exposure of alcohol consumption that
minimises an individual’s total attributable risk.
Implications of all the available evidence
The total attributable burden of alcohol use was larger than
previous evidence has indicated and increases monotonically
with consumption. Based on weighted relative risk curves for
each health outcome associated with alcohol use, the level of
consumption that minimises health loss due to alcohol use is
zero. These findings strongly suggest that alcohol control
policies should aim to reduce total population-level
consumption. To potentially reduce the effects of alcohol use
on future health loss, there is a need for countries torevisit
their alcohol control policies and assess how they can be
modified to further lower population-level consumption.
Figure 1: Age-standardised prevalence of current drinking forfemales (A)
and males (B) in 2016, in 195 locations
Current drinkers are defined as individuals who reportedhaving consumed
alcohol within the past 12 months. ATG=Antigua and Barbuda.VCT=Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines. Isl=Islands. FSM=Federated Statesof Micronesia.
LCA=Saint Lucia. TTO=Trinidad and Tobago. TLS=Timor-Leste.
用于游客消费的酒精。第三,我们改进了预先存在的解释未记录的人口水平的方法消费。第四,我们做了一个新的系统评价和酒精使用的荟萃分析和23种相关的健康结果,我们用它来估计相对的新剂量 - 反应曲线风险。第五,使用新的相对风险曲线和新的分析方法,我们估计酒精消费的暴露程度最小化个人的总归属风险。所有可用证据的含说明酒精使用的坏处大于以前的证据并且消费增加。基于加权相对风险曲线与酒精使用相关的每种健康结果,最大限度地减少酒精使用造成的健康损失是使消费量零。这些发现强烈暗示酒精控制政策应旨在降低总人口消费。减少有可能减少酒精使用的影响对未来的健康损失,各国需要重新审视他们的酒精控制政策并评估他们的可能性,健康以进一步降低人口消费水平。
过去12个月内饮酒。 ATG =安提瓜和巴布达。 VCT =圣
文森特和格林纳丁斯。 ISL =群岛。 FSM =密克罗尼西亚联邦。
LCA =圣卢西亚。 TTO =特立尼达和多巴哥。 TLS =东帝汶。

prevalence of current drinking (having one or more
drinks in the past year); abstention from alcohol (having
no alcohol in the past year); the distribution of alcohol
consumption among current drinkers in standard drinks
daily; and the disease burden attributable to alcohol use,
in terms of deaths and disability-adjusted life-years
(DALYs). We produced these estimates for 195 locations
from 1990 to 2016, for both sexes and for 5-year age
groups between the ages of 15 years and 95 years and
older. We also did a new meta-analysis to assess the dose–
response risk of alcohol consumption for 23 outcomes.
Lastly, we estimated the level of alcohol consumption that
minimises an individual’s total attributable risk of anyhealth loss
prevalence of current drinking (having one or more
drinks in the past year); abstention from alcohol (having
no alcohol in the past year); the distribution of alcohol
consumption among current drinkers in standard drinks
daily; and the disease burden attributable to alcohol use,
in terms of deaths and disability-adjusted life-years
(DALYs). We produced these estimates for 195 locations
from 1990 to 2016, for both sexes and for 5-year age
groups between the ages of 15 years and 95 years and
older. We also did a new meta-analysis to assess the dose–
response risk of alcohol consumption for 23 outcomes.
Lastly, we estimated the level of alcohol consumption that
minimises an individual’s total attributable risk ofanyprevalence of current drinking (having one or more
drinks in the past year); abstention from alcohol (having
no alcohol in the past year); the distribution of alcohol
consumption among current drinkers in standard drinks
daily; and the disease burden attributable to alcohol use,
in terms of deaths and disability-adjusted life-years
(DALYs). We produced these estimates for 195 locations
from 1990 to 2016, for both sexes and for 5-year age
groups between the ages of 15 years and 95 years and
older. We also did a new meta-analysis to assess the dose–
response risk of alcohol consumption for 23 outcomes.
Lastly, we estimated the level of alcohol consumption that
minimises an individual’s total attributable risk of anyhealth loss.
家庭酿造和当地饮料一定要做为参考数据,依赖于销售数据的估计可能存在偏差并导致不准确的跨国比较。目前的研究,我们调整了人口估计数 - 酒精储备水平,包含旅游业的影响未记录的消费。第三,先前的研究假设为零,事实暴露,最大限度地减少伤害。比较风险评估方法,反事实需要最小化伤害的消费水平估计人口归因分数(PAFs)。但是,需要估计这种反事实水平,考虑到所涉及的复杂性,而不是假设估计结果中酒精使用的风险。依托在这个假设下可能无法捕获任何潜在的非酒精使用与健康之间的线性影响。我们的研究提出了一种利用现有证据的新方法建立一个跨越不同的反事实暴露水平,为低风险提供切实证据。在本研究中,我们旨在解决这些限制并提供最佳的酒精估算值使用和相关的健康负担。


Study design
This study follows the comparative risk assessment
framework developed in previous iterations of GBD. 20 In
the following sections, we summarise our methods and
briefly present innovations. A full explanation is available
in appendix 1. This study fully adheres to the Guidelines
for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting
(GATHER) statement. 21
We estimated alcohol use exposure as grams of pure
ethanol consumed daily by current drinkers (which we
present here in terms of standard drinks daily, defined as
10 g of pure ethyl alcohol). We estimated relative risks by
dose in grams of pure ethyl alcohol, for each included
risk–outcome pair. We ascertained which cause and
injury outcomes to include by reviewing prospective and
observational studies of alcohol use, and then assessing
the causal association using Bradford-Hill’s criteria for
causation. 22 We included 23 outcomes, and the full list of
risk–outcome pairs, as well as the corresponding data
sources, are provided in appendix 1 (pp 52–140).
附录1.本研究完全符合指南用于准确和透明的健康估计报告(GATHER)声明。 2。1我们估计酒精使用暴露量为纯净克数当前饮酒者每天消耗的乙醇(我们在这里以每日标准饮料的形式出现,定义为10克纯乙醇)。我们通过估算相对风险剂量以克为单位的纯乙醇,每种都包括在内风险 -结果对。我们确定了哪个原因和通过审查前瞻性和预后包括损伤结果酒精使用的观察研究,然后评估使用Bradford-Hill标准的因果关联因果关系。 22我们收录了23项成果,以及完整的清单。风险 - 结果对,以及相应的数据



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